
Posts tagged Our Process
Process Part 1 - Schematic Design Phases

The first part of the design process starts with the schematic design phases. Schematic is a common word used in architecture and it means the early design concepts. We aren’t too focused on the details of how the building is coming together, but looking at bigger ideas.

Feasibility / Existing Documentation
The start of every project consists of gathering important information regarding existing conditions and code review. The goal is to understand the parameters of the design and check to make sure the desired scope is feasible. We will review local building and zoning code and document existing conditions by building a digital model of your home. We end this exercise with the pre-design meeting to discuss what we have found. Sometimes a feasibility study is helpful before engaging with the remaining design process. We are happy to provide a stand-alone feasibility study (see Feasibility Studies).

3D Image Showing Max Height

3D Image Showing the Max Building Height

Schematic Design
Once we have the parameters of the design determined and have verified the desired scope through the pre-design process, we will start working on the early design concepts. We will present designs and continue to work through iterations based on your feedback until we have arrived at the ideal scheme. The end of the phase includes a schematic pricing package of early drawings and notes for a contractor to put an early budget together.

Hand Drawn Sketch

To understand costs, it’s ideal to work with a contractor early. We can work with a contractor you’ve selected or help find a contractor. We will send the schematic pricing package to the selected contractor who will put together a construction budget. We will end this phase by refining the scope to meet the budget.

Pricing Plan for a Contractor to Price

Process Part 2 - Post Schematic Design

At the end of the schematic design phases (see part 1 - schematic design), we have pricing and the final scope determined. Time to get to work!

Design Development
With the scope defined, we will start by teaming up with consultants to develop the drawings for a building permit application. The process includes adding additional detail to the drawings, performing calculations, and preparing forms. This phase largely concludes once we have submitted the permit application, but some additional time will be required to address corrections issued by the building department.

Gross Building Area Diagram

Gross Square Footage Diagram for Permit

Construction Documents
This phase consists of adding additional information, outside of what the building department requires, to produce a drawing set for construction. This phase will consist of a kick-off meeting with the entire team to understand what information should be included in the set. The contractor will largely let us know if additional details are required and we will work with you to determine the finishes, fixtures, and equipment.

Interior Elevation

Interior Elevation of a Bathroom Wall

Construction Administration
Once the permit application is approved and the construction documents are completed, we will send the drawings to the contractor for one more review and final estimate. Once construction starts, we will work as a team to answer questions and review the work for compliance with the construction documents. We will help address items missed in the field, add additional details and clarifications to our drawings, and find solutions to unforeseen issues.

Construction Administration

Construction Administration Photo on Site